Configurations 🡪 Add New Type of Leave
The New "Type of Leave" form allows adding a new category or type of leave, if needed. This section is an integral part of the leave management process and helps streamline the tracking and approval of different types of leave requests. Employees can choose from various predefined leave types, such as vacation, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave, unpaid leave, and more.
The form provides following fields for input:
Type Name: This field allows you to specify the name of the leave you want to define e.g. Annual, Sick etc.
Character: This field allows the user to specify a shorthand code for the character you are looking for.
Save: Upon clicking save the new added leave type will get added into the system and will be shown in the leave type listing.
Close: Nothing will happen, the pop-up will get closed.
Figure 1 New leave type