
The provided attendance module, offers a comprehensive system for tracking staff attendance, marking manual attendance and various types of attendance-related information. 

Here's how you might use this module:

  1. Month Selection:

    1. Choose the desired month (e.g., August 2023) from the dropdown menu. This helps narrow down the data displayed in the grid to the selected month.

  2. Department and Role Selection:

    1. Use the department dropdown to filter data according to specific departments. This helps you focus on the attendance records of a particular department.

    2. The role dropdown allows you to further specify the role within the selected department, streamlining the data even more.

  3. Staff Selection:

    1. Select a staff member from the dropdown list to view their attendance details. This is useful for getting specific information about an individual staff member.

  4. Filter Button:

    1. Click the "Filter" button after selecting the desired options (Month, Department, Role, and Staff) to apply these filters to the attendance data displayed in the grid.

  5. Attendance Grid:

    1. The grid provides a tabular representation of attendance data. Each column represents a specific date in the selected month.

    2. The "ID" column likely represents a unique identifier for each entry or staff member.

    3. The "Staff" column displays the names of the staff members.

    4. The columns labelled with dates (e.g., "Tue 01," "Wed 02," etc.) represent each day of the selected month. You can track attendance for individual days using this grid.

  6. Attendance Types:

    1. The grid allows you to record different attendance types for each staff member on each day.

    2. Each cell in the grid corresponds to an attendance type for a particular day and staff member.

    3. The attendance types include:

      1. AL: Annual Leave

      2. W: Number of hours worked

      3. U: Unexpected leave

      4. HO: Public holiday

      5. E: Early attendance

      6. L: Late attendance

      7. B: Business trip

      8. SL: Sick leave

      9. M: Maternity leave

      10. ME: Meeting or study break

      11. NS: No shift scheduled

      12. P: Private work without pay


  • Users can export all the attendance data showing data on the grid using the “Export to Excel” button.

  • Close attendance is a button used to close a timesheet; which means that the timesheet / time reported cannot be edited further and submitted to payroll.

  • Employees those have permission can mark their Manual check-in / check-out using same screen

Please note only users with access can mark backdated attendance.


Figure 1 Timesheet

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