Leaves Listing

This module is used for managing employee leave requests and approvals. Here's how you can use the filters and the leaves grid effectively:

Search: Global search to filter any result from available grid.

Reload: Icon to reload data to fetch new data, if any,

  1. Using Filters: The filters provided in the Leave application module help you narrow down the displayed leave requests according to specific criteria. Here's how you can use each filter:

    1. Approved By: You can select the name of the approver from the dropdown list. This will display leave requests that have been approved by the selected approver.

    2. Leave Status: Choose a leave status (e.g., "Approved", "Pending", "Rejected") to filter the displayed leave requests based on their current status.

    3. Leave Type: Select a specific type of leave (e.g., "Late", "Go on business") to view only the leave requests of that particular type.

    4. Employee Department: Pick a department from the list to show leave requests only for employees belonging to that department.

  2. Leave Grid: The leave grid displays the leave requests with various details. Here's how to interpret the information provided:

    1. Subject: The subject of the leave request, usually a brief description of the reason for the leave.

    2. Name: The name of the employee who requested the leave.

    3. Start Date: The starting date and time of the leave.

    4. End Date: The ending date and time of the leave.

    5. Approver: The person who approved the leave request.

    6. Follower: An optional follower assigned to the leave request (if applicable).

    7. Reason: The reason for the leave, often mentioned by the employee.

    8. Type: The type of leave (e.g., "Late", "Go on business").

    9. Category: The category of leave (e.g. Full day, half day, short day).

    10. Status: The current status of the leave request (e.g., "Approved", "Pending").

    11. Date Created: The date when the leave request was initially submitted.

    12. Options: 

      1. Delete: To delete any leave request


Apply for leave: Button to open new leave request form.

Calendar View: To open a calendar view of the available leave data on the grid.


Figure 1 Leaves Grid

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