The "New workplace" module with the attendance feature is designed to streamline the process of assigning and creating new workplaces in the system.
Here's how to use the module:
Form Fields: Once inside the module, you'll find the following form fields:
Staff: Select the staff members who need to be assigned to a new workplace. Select one or multiple staff members from the "Staff" field by clicking on their names. If you need to assign all staff members listed, you can click a "Select All" checkbox, if provided.
Workplace: Choose the appropriate workplace from the available options.
Workplace name: Provide name of workplace
Workplace address: You can either provide the address by manually inputting or by using google map API you can search the address.
Latitude & Longitude: Input the latitude and longitude. Incase of a map, the system will automatically display the values.
Radius: Enter the radius for the workplace. User will be considered within the workplace if he is within the defined radius.
Set as default: Checkbox to make workplace as a default workplace.
Auto checkout: In case the user is not within the radius of the workplace, he will be marked as check-out from that location after the defined time.
Save and Close: After selecting the staff and workplace, you'll see two buttons: "Save" and "Close.
Note: After defining a new workplace system will redirect the user to the allocation screen.
Figure 1 Workplace definition