Record Expense

The "Record Expense" feature under the "Expense Management" module allows users to input and record details of an expense. There are two forms involved in this feature, each serving a specific purpose. Here's how to use this feature, along with an explanation of each field within the two forms:

Form 1: Add New Expense:

  1. Attach Receipt: Users can attach a receipt or supporting documentation for the expense, often in the form of an image or document file. This helps in documenting and verifying the expense.

  2. Name: This field is used to provide a brief but descriptive name or title for the expense, offering additional context or information.

  3. Note: Users can add any additional notes or comments related to the expense. This can include details or explanations about the expense that are not covered by other fields.

  4. Expense Category: Select the category or type of expense from a predefined list. Expense categories help in organising and categorising expenses for reporting and analysis.

  5. Expense Date: Enter the date on which the expense was incurred. This field helps in tracking when the expense occurred.

  6. Amount: Specify the monetary value of the expense. This is the actual cost associated with the expense.

  7. Customer: If the expense is related to a specific customer or client, select the customer's name or identifier from the available options. This is particularly useful for businesses that need to associate expenses with specific customers.

  8. Accounting status: Indicates the financial status of the transaction or record within the accounting system.

  9. Payment date: Displays the date when the payment was made or is scheduled to be made.

  10. Note Preview: Provides a brief preview or summary of any associated notes or comments related to the transaction.

  11. Status: Indicates the current status or condition of the transaction, such as pending, completed, or cancelled.

Form 2: Advance Options:

  1. Currency: Choose the currency in which the expense was made. This is especially important when dealing with international transactions where different currencies are involved.

  2. Tax 1 and Tax 2: If applicable, specify any taxes associated with the expense. Some expenses may include taxes, and these fields allow users to account for them separately.

  3. Payment Mode: Select the payment mode or method used for the expense. Common options include "Credit Card," "Cash," "Bank Transfer," and others.

  4. Reference #: Provide a unique reference or invoice number associated with the expense. This helps in identifying and tracking the expense, especially in cases where invoices are involved.

  5. Repeat every: If the expense is recurring, users can specify the frequency at which it repeats. This is useful for regular or repeating expenses that need to be recorded and tracked automatically.


  1. Save: Clicking the "Save" button saves the information entered in the forms into the database, creating a new expense record. It records all the details provided, making it accessible for future reference, reporting, and analysis.


Figure 1 Record Expense

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