The "Record Expense" feature under the "Expense Management" module allows users to input and record details of an expense. There are two forms involved in this feature, each serving a specific purpose. Here's how to use this feature, along with an explanation of each field within the two forms:
Form 1: Add New Expense:
Attach Receipt: Users can attach a receipt or supporting documentation for the expense, often in the form of an image or document file. This helps in documenting and verifying the expense.
Name: This field is used to provide a brief but descriptive name or title for the expense, offering additional context or information.
Note: Users can add any additional notes or comments related to the expense. This can include details or explanations about the expense that are not covered by other fields.
Expense Category: Select the category or type of expense from a predefined list. Expense categories help in organising and categorising expenses for reporting and analysis.
Expense Date: Enter the date on which the expense was incurred. This field helps in tracking when the expense occurred.
Amount: Specify the monetary value of the expense. This is the actual cost associated with the expense.
Customer: If the expense is related to a specific customer or client, select the customer's name or identifier from the available options. This is particularly useful for businesses that need to associate expenses with specific customers.
Accounting status: Indicates the financial status of the transaction or record within the accounting system.
Payment date: Displays the date when the payment was made or is scheduled to be made.
Note Preview: Provides a brief preview or summary of any associated notes or comments related to the transaction.
Status: Indicates the current status or condition of the transaction, such as pending, completed, or cancelled.
Form 2: Advance Options:
Currency: Choose the currency in which the expense was made. This is especially important when dealing with international transactions where different currencies are involved.
Tax 1 and Tax 2: If applicable, specify any taxes associated with the expense. Some expenses may include taxes, and these fields allow users to account for them separately.
Payment Mode: Select the payment mode or method used for the expense. Common options include "Credit Card," "Cash," "Bank Transfer," and others.
Reference #: Provide a unique reference or invoice number associated with the expense. This helps in identifying and tracking the expense, especially in cases where invoices are involved.
Repeat every: If the expense is recurring, users can specify the frequency at which it repeats. This is useful for regular or repeating expenses that need to be recorded and tracked automatically.
Save: Clicking the "Save" button saves the information entered in the forms into the database, creating a new expense record. It records all the details provided, making it accessible for future reference, reporting, and analysis.
Figure 1 Record Expense