To do List

To Do List

The To-Do List Management section allows you to create, manage, and track tasks efficiently. This feature is accessible from the top left corner of the screen. 

Below are the detailed descriptions of the components and functionalities available in this section:


  • New To-Do Button

    • Description: Create a new to-do item.

    • Action: Click the "New To-Do" button to open a form where you can enter the details of the new task.

  • Unfinished To-Do's

    • Description: This section lists all the tasks that are not yet completed.

    • Components:

      • Task Item: Each task item shows the task name, date, and time it was created.

      • Edit Icon: Click the pencil icon to edit the task details.

      • Delete Icon: Click the cross icon to delete the task.

      • Checkbox: Mark the checkbox to indicate the task is completed, moving it to the "Latest Finished To-Do's" section.

      • Load More Button: Click to load more unfinished tasks.

  • Latest Finished To-Do's

    • Description: This section lists all the tasks that have been completed recently.

    • Components:

      • Task Item: Each task item shows the task name and the date and time it was completed.

      • Edit Icon: Click the pencil icon to edit the task details.

      • Delete Icon: Click the cross icon to delete the task.

      • Load More Button: Click to load more completed tasks.

  • Functionality

    • Creating a New To-Do

      • Click on the "New To-Do" button.

      • Fill in the necessary details.

      • Save the task to add it to the "Unfinished To-Do's" list.

    • Editing a To-Do

      • In either the "Unfinished To-Do's" or "Latest Finished To-Do's" section, click the pencil icon next to the task you wish to edit.

      • Update the task details in the form that appears.

      • Save the changes.

    • Deleting a To-Do

      • In either the "Unfinished To-Do's" or "Latest Finished To-Do's" section, click the cross icon next to the task you wish to delete.

      • Confirm the deletion in the prompt that appears.

    • Marking a To-Do as Completed

      • In the "Unfinished To-Do's" section, click the checkbox next to the task you have completed.

      • The task will move to the "Latest Finished To-Do's" section automatically.

    • Loading More Tasks

      • Click the "Load More" button at the bottom of either the "Unfinished To-Do's" or "Latest Finished To-Do's" section to view additional tasks.


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