The "Work Routes" module offers a comprehensive solution for effectively managing staff attendance based on their designated work routes. This feature allows administrators to gain insights into employee attendance patterns for a specific month, such as August 2023.
Here's how you can utilize the available filters and grid to streamline attendance tracking:
Filters Selection:
Staff: Choose from a list of available staff members. Select one or multiple staff members to narrow down the attendance data to specific individuals.
Month: Specify the target month, which in this case is "August 2023."
Route Point: Enter route points such as "ho chi minh" and "da nang" to further refine attendance data based on specific work routes taken by employees.
Department: it filters attendance data by department if applicable.
Routes Grid: The routes grid presents a tabular representation of attendance data, providing a comprehensive overview of each staff member's attendance on specific dates within the month.
Staff ID: Unique identification number for each staff member.
Staff: Staff members' names
Dates: Routes details are available for each day
Figure 1 Work Routes Grid
Grid cell: Upon clicking any grid cell, a pop-up appears to allow the user to enter any route point against the focused staff member.
Figure 2 Route point assignment