The "New workplace assign" module with the attendance feature is designed to streamline the process of assigning staff to specific workplaces. This feature helps administrators manage staff attendance efficiently.
Here's how to use the module:
Form Fields: Once inside the module, you'll find the following form fields:
Staff: Select the staff members who need to be assigned to a new workplace. Select one or multiple staff members from the "Staff" field by clicking on their names. If you need to assign all staff members listed, you can click a "Select All" checkbox, if provided.
Workplace: Choose the appropriate workplace from the available options.
Save and Close: After selecting the staff and workplace, you'll see two buttons: "Save" and "Close."
Save: Clicking on the "Save" button will confirm the assignment of the selected staff members to the chosen workplace. This information will be updated in the system's database, allowing for accurate attendance tracking and reporting.
Close: If you decide not to make any changes or want to exit the module without saving, you can click the "Close" button. Any changes you've made will not be saved.
Note: System will redirect you to this module even after defining a new workplace.
Figure 1 New Workplace Assign