Workplace Allocation Listing

The "Workplace Allocation" feature facilitates the management of staff attendance by allowing administrators to allocate employees to specific workplaces within the organisation. This feature proves to be extremely useful for businesses with multiple locations or departments where employees need to work in different physical spaces. 

Here's how to use the workplace allocation listing module for the attendance feature:

  1. Viewing the Workplace Allocation Grid: Upon entering the "Workplace Allocation" module, you will be presented with a grid that displays the current allocation of staff to various workplaces. The grid will include three main columns: "Staff," "Workplace," and "Options."

  2. Understanding the Columns:

  • Staff: This column lists the names of employees who are allocated to different workplaces.

  • Workplace: This column displays the workplace to which each employee is allocated. The workplace's name, location, or any other relevant information might be displayed here.

  • Options: This column provides options for managing the workplace allocation for each staff member. It will allow editing the allocation and removing the allocation


Figure 1 Workplace Allocation

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