Add New Project

The "Add New Project" feature under the "Project Management" module allows users to create new project records with specific project details and settings. 

Here's how you can use this feature and an explanation of each field within the two sections:

1. Project Section:

  • Project Name: Enter the name or title of the project.

  • Is Internal: If checked, the project will be considered as internal and customer selection will be disabled.

  • Customer: Select the customer or client associated with this project.

  • Calculate Progress through Tasks: This checkbox option indicates whether the project's progress should be automatically calculated based on the completion status of its tasks.

  • Progress: This field displays the current progress of the project as a percentage. If "Calculate Progress through Tasks" is selected, this value will update based on task completion.

  • Billing Type: Specify the billing type for this project (e.g., hourly, fixed, retainer).

  • Status: Define the project's current status (e.g., in progress, completed, on hold).

  • Estimated Hours: Enter the estimated number of hours required for this project.

  • Members: Add team members or collaborators who will work on this project.

  • Start Date: Set the project's start date.

  • Deadline: Specify the project's deadline or due date.

  • Tags: Attach relevant tags to categorize and organize the project.

  • Description: Provide a description or summary of the project.

  • Send Project Created Email: Check this box if you want to send an email notification to relevant parties when the project is created.

2. Project Settings Section:

  • Send Contacts Notifications: Decide whether to send notifications to contacts associated with the project.

  • Visible Tabs: Choose which tabs are visible for this project. This allows you to customize the project view according to your needs. Available tabs may include Overview, Tasks, Timesheets, Milestones, Files, Discussions, Gantt, Tickets, Contracts, Sales, Proposals, Estimates, Invoices, Subscriptions, Expenses, Credit Notes, Notes, Activity.

  • Allow Customer to View Tasks: Decide whether the customer can view the project's tasks.

  • Allow Customer to Create Tasks: Specify whether the customer has permission to create new tasks related to this project.

  • Allow Customer to Edit Tasks (only tasks created from contact): If enabled, the customer can edit tasks they have created.

  • Allow Customer to Comment on Project Tasks: Determine if customers can add comments to project tasks.

  • Allow Customer to View Task Comments: Decide whether the customer can view comments on project tasks.

  • Allow Customer to View Task Attachments: Specify if the customer can access task attachments.

  • Allow Customer to View Task Checklist Items: Enable this option if the customer should see task checklist items.

  • Allow Customer to Upload Attachments on Tasks: Grant permission for the customer to upload attachments to project tasks.

  • Allow Customer to View Task Total Logged Time: Decide whether the customer can see the total time logged on tasks.

  • Allow Customer to View Finance Overview: Choose whether the customer can access financial details related to the project.

  • Allow Customer to Upload Files: Specify if the customer can upload files to the project.

  • Allow Customer to Open Discussions: Enable this option if the customer can initiate discussions related to the project.

  • Allow Customer to View Milestones: Determine if the customer can view project milestones.

  • Allow Customer to View Gantt: Decide whether the customer can access the project's Gantt chart.

  • Allow Customer to View Timesheets: Specify if the customer can view timesheets associated with the project.

  • Allow Customer to View Activity Log: Grant permission for the customer to view the project's activity log.

  • Allow Customer to View Team Members: Decide whether the customer can see the list of project team members.

  • Hide Project Tasks on Main Tasks Table (Admin Area): If selected, project-specific tasks won't be visible in the main tasks table within the admin area.


Save button upon click will save the project upon checking all mandatory value:


Figure 1 Add New Project – Project Tab


Figure 2 Add New Project - Project Settings

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