Contracts Listing

The "Contracts Listing" feature under the "Legal Documents" module allows users to effectively manage and monitor contracts. 

Here's how to use this feature along with an explanation of each field in the grid columns:


  • Contract Summary: The first section provides a summary of contract statistics, including the number of active customers, expired contracts, contracts about to expire, recently added contracts, and contracts in the trash. This summary gives users a quick overview of the contract status.

  • Graphs: The next section presents graphs depicting contract data in two ways: a. Contracts by Type: This graph visualises the distribution of contracts by their types. b. Contracts Value By Type (CHF): This graph illustrates the total contract value categorised by contract types in Swiss Francs (CHF).

  • Rows per Page: Users can set the number of rows to display per page in the contract listing. This feature helps manage the amount of data displayed at once.

  • Search Filter: The search functionality allows users to filter contract data based on specific criteria, making it easier to find specific contracts or information.

  • Export Options: Users can export the displayed contract data in various formats, including Excel, CSV, PDF, and print formats. This facilitates generating reports or sharing contract data externally.

  • Refresh Icon: Clicking the refresh icon allows users to update and reload the contract data, ensuring that the information displayed is up-to-date.

Grid Columns Explanation:

  • #: An index number indicating the position of the contract in the current view.

  • Subject: This field typically contains a brief description or subject of the contract, providing a quick overview.

  • Customer: Displays the name of the customer or client associated with the contract.

  • Contract Type: Specifies the type or category of the contract, such as "Service Agreement" or "Sales Contract."

  • Contract Value: Shows the monetary value of the contract, often in the local currency (e.g., CHF).

  • Start Date: Displays the date when the contract becomes effective or starts.

  • End Date: Indicates the date when the contract expires or ends.

  • Project: If the contract is related to a specific project, this column may show the project's name or identifier.

  • Signature: This field may contain information about whether the contract has been signed or executed.


Figure 1 Contracts Listing

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