New Contract

The "New Contracts" feature under the "Legal Documents" module allows users to create new contracts with specific information and options. 

Here's how to use this feature along with an explanation of each field in the new contract form:


  • Trash: This feature allows you to move a contract to the "trash," making it inaccessible on the client side. Contracts in the trash won't be included in charts, statistics, or the list of all contracts by default. This can be useful for archiving or hiding contracts that are no longer active or relevant.

  • Hide from Customer Checkbox: By selecting this checkbox, you can create a contract that is not visible to customers. This is handy when you want to keep certain contract details confidential or when the contract is of an internal nature.

  • Customer: Select the customer with whom the contract is associated. This field typically involves choosing from a list of existing customers or entering customer details if they are not already in the system.

  • Subject: Provide a subject or title for the contract. This field is used to briefly describe the contract's purpose or scope.

  • Contract Value: Enter the contract's value, which is typically specified in CHF (Swiss Francs) or the local currency.

  • Contract Type: You can add a new contract type by clicking the plus button. Contract types help categorise and classify contracts, making it easier to manage and organise them.

  • Start Date: Specify the contract's start date. This is the date when the contract becomes effective or begins.

  • End Date: Set the contract's end date. This marks the date when the contract will expire or become invalid.

  • Description: Provide a detailed description of the contract. This field allows you to add additional information, terms, or any relevant details about the contract.


Save button to save all the form fields upon confirming all mandatory fields.


Figure 1 New Contracts

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