CSV Export

The "CSV Exports" feature under the "Utilities" module is a valuable tool for exporting data from the system for various purposes. It allows users to generate CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files containing specific data based on their selection.

Here's how to use each field within the "CSV Exports" form:

  1. *Export Type:

  • This field allows users to specify the type of data they want to export. Users can choose from the following options:

    • Invoices: Export data related to invoices generated within the system.

    • Estimates: Export data related to cost or price estimates.

    • Payments: Export data related to financial transactions, such as payments received.

    • Credit Notes: Export data related to credit notes or refunds issued.

    • Proposals: Export data related to business proposals or quotes.

    • Expenses: Export data related to expenses incurred by the organization.


  • This field enables users to define the time frame or date range for the data they want to export. Users can choose from various predefined periods, such as:

    • All Time: Export all available data.

    • This Month: Export data from the current month.

    • Last Month: Export data from the previous month.

    • This Year: Export data from the current year.

    • Last Year: Export data from the previous year.

    • Last 3 Months: Export data from a custom three-month range specified by the user.

    • Last 6 Months: Export data from a custom six-month range specified by the user.

    • Last 12 Months: Export data from a custom 12-month range specified by the user.


  • This is a button that initiates the export process based on the selected criteria in the "Export Type" and "Period" fields.

  • When clicked, the system will generate a CSV file containing the data that matches the specified criteria.


Figure 1 CSV Exports

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