Accounting 🡪 Settings → Configurations
This section provides an overview of the general settings available within the account system, allowing users to configure various parameters to suit their organisational requirements.
This setting allows users to reset the accounting module data, deleting all existing data and starting afresh.
Remove Invalid Entries
This setting removes entries from the system for which the transaction no longer exists, helping to maintain data integrity.
Example: Suppose an entry was recorded for a transaction that has been deleted or voided. Using this setting would automatically remove such entries to keep the records accurate.
First Month of Fiscal Year Selection
Users can specify the first month of the fiscal year according to their organisation's accounting practices.
First Month of Tax Year
Similar to the first month of the fiscal year, this setting allows users to specify the first month of the tax year.
Use Accounts in Account Numbers in Chart of Accounts
This setting determines whether the account numbers defined in the Chart of Accounts are used within the system.
Example : If set to "Yes," account numbers such as "101," "102," etc., will be used for account identification within the system.
Select Account Method (Accrual, Cash)
Users can choose between the accrual or cash accounting method for recording transactions.
Example: In accrual accounting, transactions are recorded when they occur, regardless of when the money is exchanged. In cash accounting, transactions are recorded only when cash is exchanged.
Close the Book
This setting prevents any changes in transactions dated after the specified closing date, ensuring the integrity of financial records.
Example: If you close the book as of December 31st, no transactions dated January 1st or later can be edited or added.
Figure 1 General Configuration