New Tasks

The "Tasks Listing" feature under the "Project & Tasks" module provides a convenient way to manage and track tasks. 

Here's how you The "Add New Tasks" feature under the "Tasks" module allows users to create and manage tasks. 

Here's how you can use this feature, along with an explanation of each field:


  1. Public Checkbox: If checked, this task is made public and can be viewed by other team members. If unchecked, it may be kept private.

  2. Billable Checkbox: If checked, this task is billable, meaning it can be associated with client billing. If unchecked, it might be a non-billable internal task.

  3. Attach Files: You can attach files relevant to this task. These files could include documents, images, or any resources necessary for completing the task.

  4. Subject: Enter a short, descriptive title or subject for the task, summarizing its purpose.

  5. Hourly Rate: If this task is billable, specify the hourly rate for billing purposes. This rate is typically used for calculating the cost associated with this task.

  6. Start Date: Set the date when the task is scheduled to begin.

  7. Due Date: Specify the task's deadline or due date. This is when the task is expected to be completed.

  8. Priority: Assign a priority level to the task, such as high, medium, or low. This helps in task management and sorting.

  9. Repeat Every: If this task is a recurring task, define how often it repeats (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).

  10. Related To: Link the task to another relevant item, such as a project, client, or any other task. This helps in establishing task dependencies or associations.

  11. Assignees: Specify the team members responsible for completing this task. Assignees are individuals who are expected to work on or manage the task.

  12. Followers: Include team members who want to receive updates and notifications about the task's progress, even if they are not directly responsible for it.

  13. Tags: Assign tags to the task to categorize and organize it for easy retrieval and filtering.

  14. Task Description: Provide a detailed description of the task. This description should include instructions, objectives, and any additional information required for task completion.



Save: Upon clicking the save button the task will get created, after checking all mandatory fields.

Cancel: Nothing will happen, pop-up to create tasks will get closed.


Figure 1 New Task

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