Tasks Summary

The "Tasks Summary" feature under the "Project & Task" module provides a convenient way to manage and track tasks. 

Here's how you can use this feature and an explanation of each field within the grid columns:

1. Task Summary:

  • Not started: Shows the number of tasks that haven't been started yet.

  • In Progress: Displays the number of tasks that are currently in progress.

  • Testing: Indicates the number of tasks in the testing phase.

  • Awaiting Feedback: Represents the number of tasks awaiting feedback.

  • Complete: Shows the number of tasks that have been completed.

2. Rows per Page: Users can select the number of rows to display per page in the task listing. Options include 10, 25, 50, 100, or showing all records.

3. Search Filter: A search functionality is available to filter the task grid data based on specific criteria, allowing users to quickly find relevant tasks.

4. Export Options: Users can export the displayed task data in various formats, including Excel, CSV, PDF, and print formats, facilitating data sharing and analysis.

5. Refresh Icon: Users can refresh the grid data by clicking on the refresh icon, ensuring that they have the most up-to-date task information.

Grid Columns Explanation:

  • #: An index number indicating the position of the task in the current view.

  • Name: The name or title of the task.

  • Status: The current status of the task (e.g., not started, in progress, testing, awaiting feedback, complete).

  • Start Date: The date when the task is scheduled to start.

  • Due Date: The deadline or due date for completing the task.

  • Assigned to: The individual or team member responsible for the task.

  • Tags: Tags associated with the task for categorization or organization.

  • Priority: The task's priority level, which may indicate its importance or urgency.

Kanban View: There is also a Kanban view of the tasks Listing and users can switch to Kanban mode where all tasks are categorized on the basis of tasks type.


Figure 1 Tasks Listing


Figure 2 Kanban Tasks Listing

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  • New Tasks

    The "Tasks Listing" feature under the "Project & Tasks" module provides a convenient way to mana...