Proposal Listing

Proposal Listing in Commerce Module

The proposal listing feature is designed to help sales teams keep track of their proposals, their status, and other relevant details. 

Here's how a typical usage scenario might look:

  1. Accessing the Proposal Listing: A user logs into the commerce Module navigates to the "Proposal" section within the commerce module.

  2. Viewing the Proposal List: Upon entering the "Proposal" section, the user is presented with a list of proposals. 

Each proposal is represented as a row with several columns displaying information about the proposal.

  • Proposal #: A unique identification number for each proposal.

  • Subject: A brief description or title of the proposal.

  • To: The intended recipient or client for the proposal.

  • Total: The total amount or value associated with the proposal.

  • Date: The date on which the proposal was created.

  • Open Till: The deadline or validity period of the proposal.

  • Project: The project or opportunity related to the proposal.

  • Tags: Relevant tags or labels associated with the proposal.

  • Date Created: The date when the proposal listing entry was created.

  • Status: The current status of the proposal (e.g., Draft, Sent, Accepted, Rejected).

  1. Creating New Proposals: Users can click a "New Proposal" button to create a new proposal. Once created, the new proposal would appear in the proposal listing.


Figure 1 Proposal Listing

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