Add New Survey

The "New Survey" feature under the "Utilities" module typically allows users to create and manage surveys. This feature enables organizations to collect feedback, conduct research, or gather information from participants. 

Let's go through the usage of this "New Survey" module and explain each field in the survey form:

Usage of the "New Survey" Module:

  1. Add New Survey:

  • This is the initial step to create a new survey within the system.

Survey Subject:

  • It's a mandatory field where you specify the title or subject of the survey. This field helps identify the purpose of the survey.

Survey Short Description (View Description):

  • This description is typically visible when users view the survey on the platform. It provides a brief overview of the survey.

Survey Description (Email Description):

  • This description is used in the email sent to participants when the survey is distributed. It offers more detailed information about the survey.

Include Survey Link in Description:

  • A checkbox that, when selected, includes the survey link in the email description. This makes it easy for participants to access the survey directly from the email.

From (Displayed in Email):

  • Specifies the sender's name or email address that will be displayed in the email sent to participants.

Survey Redirect URL:

  • This field allows you to define the URL where participants should be redirected to after completing the survey.

Checkbox: Disabled:

  • A checkbox option that, when selected, disables the survey. This can be useful if you want to temporarily deactivate a survey without deleting it.

Checkbox: Only for Logged-in Participants (Staff, Customers):

  • A checkbox that, when selected, restricts access to the survey to logged-in participants, such as staff and customers. This helps control who can participate in the survey.

You Need to Create the Survey First:

  • A message indicating that you must create the survey before inserting questions.

Once the survey is created, the following tabs become available:

  1. Questions:

  • This tab is used for adding and managing survey questions. You can insert various types of questions, including checkboxes, radio buttons, input fields, and text areas.

  • Insert Field Options:

    • Checkbox: Allows you to add a multiple-choice question where respondents can select one or more options.

    • Radio: Adds a single-choice question where respondents can choose only one option.

    • Input Field: Provides a text input for open-ended responses.

    • Text Area: Offers a larger text input for more extensive responses.

Send Survey:

  • This tab is used for sending the survey to participants. There's a note that specifies that when sending the survey to mail lists, the "Only for Logged-in Participants" checkbox should be unchecked, allowing a wider range of recipients.

  • Customers, Leads, Staff:

    • Options to select the recipient groups for the survey.


  • This section typically includes a "Save" button, allowing you to save the survey and its settings.


Figure 1 New Survey

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