
Accounting 🡪 Budget 

The budget feature in the accounting module system allows users to define and manage their annual budget for the profit and loss account. This feature provides a grid layout where users can input budget amounts for different time periods and accounts, facilitating comprehensive financial planning.

Accessing the Income statement modification

  • Navigate to the Accounting → Budget Grid

Budget Grid 

  • Scope: 

    • Define the budget for the complete year, covering all necessary profit and loss accounts.

  • Default View: 

    • Default View: The grid will initially appear with a monthly layout.

  • Switching View (Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)

    • Monthly View: Displays the budget on a month-by-month basis.

    • Quarterly View: Aggregates the budget data into quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4).

    • Yearly View: Provides a single column for the entire year.

Note: Locate the option above the grid. Select the desired view (Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly).

  • Inputting Budget Amounts

    • Grid Layout:

      • Column One: Lists all the accounts.

      • Remaining Columns: Represent the selected time periods (monthly, quarterly, yearly).

    • Inputting Data:

      • Click on the cell corresponding to the account and time period.

      • Enter the budget amount for that period.

      • Repeat for all relevant accounts and periods.

      •  Example Scenario

    • Setting Up a Monthly Budget

    • Example:

      • Click on the cell for "Sales Revenue" under "January."

      • Enter the budget amount, e.g., "5000."

      • Repeat for "February" to "December."

If required from the grid, you can delete an existing budget, clear already filled data, or save your changes.


Figure 1 Budget Grid

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