Contacts List

The Contact Listing feature allows users to view and manage a list of contacts within the context of the customer module. This feature is designed to provide easy access to contact details and actions associated with each contact entry. Users can customize their viewing experience, export data in different formats, and perform various actions on the listed contacts.

Explanation of Grid Columns:

  1. First Name: Displays the first name of the contact.

  2. Last Name: Displays the last name of the contact.

  3. Email: Shows the email address associated with the contact.

  4. Company: Displays the name of the company that the contact is affiliated with.

  5. Phone: Shows the contact's phone number.

  6. Position: Displays the job position or title of the contact within the company.

  7. Last Login: Indicates the date and time of the contact's last login or activity.

  8. Active: Indicates whether the contact is currently active or not.

  9. WhatsApp Enable: Indicates whether WhatsApp communication is enabled for the contact.

Actions Available for Each Contact Entry:

  1. Edit: Allows the user to edit the details of the contact. This might include updating the contact's personal information, company, position, etc.

  2. Delete: Enables the user to remove the contact from the listing. This action may permanently remove the contact's information.

  3. Create Appointment: Lets the user schedule an appointment or event with the selected contact. This could be for meetings, calls, or other interactions.

Additional Features:

  1. Number of Rows in Listing: Users can choose the number of rows to display per page in the listing. Options include 10, 25, 50, 100, and All. This feature enhances usability by allowing users to control how many contacts they see at once.

  2. Export Options: Users can export the contact data in various formats such as Excel, CSV, and PDF. This functionality is helpful for creating reports, sharing data, and maintaining records offline.

  3. Refresh Icon: Provides a way for users to manually refresh the data in the grid, ensuring that they are viewing the most up-to-date information.


Figure 1 Contact Listing

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