Customers List

The "Customer Listing" feature within the module provides users with a comprehensive view of the existing customers in the system. 

Here's how users can utilize the Customers Listing feature:

  1. Number of Rows Dropdown: Users can choose how many rows of invoices they want to view at once. They can select from options like 25, 50, 100, or view all invoices.

  2. Search: Users can search for specific records using free search functionality. 

  3. Filters:

  • Reset: Allows users to reset all applied filters and revert to the default view.

  • Customer assigned to me: Filters customers based on those assigned to the current user.

  • Group: Filters customers based on the assigned group or category.

  • Country: Filters customers based on the country associated with their location or address.

  • Invoice: Filters customers based on their invoice history or status.

  • Estimates: Filters customers based on estimates status.

  • Project: Filters customers based on project status.

  • Proposal: Filters customers based on their proposal status.

Grid Columns: The grid presents invoices in a tabular format, displaying various relevant details for each customer:

  • #: The unique identifier for each customer.

  • Company: Name of the company associated with the customer.

  • Primary contact: Name of the primary contact person for the customer.

  • Primary email: Email address of the primary contact person.

  • Phone: Phone number of the primary contact person or company.

  • Active: Indicates whether the customer's account is active or inactive.

  • Groups: Groups or categories the customer belongs to for organizational purposes.

  • Date Created: Date when the customer account was created.

  • Status: Current status of the customer account, such as active, pending, or inactive.

Actions: Each row in the grid provides additional actions:

  • View: Users can click the "View" button to open the customer details for a closer inspection.

  • Contacts: Users can click on the “contacts” button to open the customer contacts page to add and manage customer contacts. 

  • Delete: Users can click on the “delete” button to delete any specific customer.


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