New Customer

The "New Customer" feature under the "Customers & Contacts" module provides a comprehensive way to add and manage customer information. 

When adding a new customer, users are presented with three tabs to facilitate a detailed and organized input process.

1. Customer Details: In this tab, users enter essential information about the new customer. The fields include:

  1. Company: The name of the customer's company or organization.

  2. VAT Number: The Value Added Tax identification number associated with the customer.

  3. Phone: Contact phone number of the customer.

  4. Website: The customer's website URL.

  5. Groups: The groups or categories to which the customer belongs.

  6. Currency: The currency in which transactions with the customer will be conducted.

  7. Default Language: The preferred language for communication.

  8. Address: The street address of the customer.

  9. City: The city in which the customer is located.

  10. State: The state or province associated with the customer.

  11. Zip Code: The postal code of the customer's location.

  12. Country: The country in which the customer is situated.

2. Custom Fields: This tab allows users to input additional, custom-defined fields. 

An example field is:

  1. Whatsapp Enable: Users can enable or disable WhatsApp communication for the customer.

3. Billing and Shopping: This tab deals with billing and shipping addresses. Users can choose between various options for these addresses, including copying from customer info or setting them separately. The fields include:

  1. Billing Address: The billing address details of the customer.

  2. Shipping Address: The shipping address details of the customer.


Save: The button save will save all the above information after checking mandatory fields, the saved customer will not be associated along with any contact

Save and create contact: The customer will get saved and also associated as a contact


Figure 1 Customer Details


Figure 2 Custom Fields


Figure 3 Billing & Shopping

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