Setup 🡪 Staff 🡪 New Staff
The "New Staff" feature under the "Staff" module allows you to add new staff members to your organisation with detailed profile information and permissions.
Here's how you can use this feature, along with an explanation of each field within the two tabs: Profile and Permissions.
Tab 1: Profile:
Not Staff Member: Check this box if the individual is not considered a staff member (e.g., a contractor or external collaborator).
Profile Image: Upload a profile image for the staff member.
First Name: Enter the staff member's first name.
Last Name: Provide the staff member's last name.
Email: Enter the staff member's email address.
Hourly Rate: Set an hourly rate for the staff member's work (in CHF, Swiss Francs).
Phone: Enter the staff member's contact phone number.
Social Media Profiles: Provide links to the staff member's social media profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Skype.
Default Language: Choose the staff member's preferred language.
Email Signature: Include the staff member's email signature.
Direction: Specify the direction (e.g., left-to-right or right-to-left) for text alignment.
Phone Number: Add a phone number for the staff member.
Is Number WhatsApp Enabled: Check this box if the provided phone number is enabled for WhatsApp communication.
Administrator: If the staff member has administrator privileges, check this box.
Send Welcome Email: Choose whether to send a welcome email to the staff member.
Password: Set a password for the staff member's account.
Tab 2: Permissions:
Role: Assign a role to the staff member, which determines their access permissions.
Permissions: Configure the staff member's permissions for various features and capabilities. These permissions are categorised under different features and may include the ability to view, create, edit, or delete items within each feature. Some features are Global (applicable to all records), while others may apply only to records owned by the staff member.
Save: Click the "Save" button to save the new staff member's profile and permissions, ensuring all mandatory fields are filled in.
Begin by navigating to the "Staff" module within your application.
Access the "New Staff" feature.
Fill out the "Profile" tab with the staff member's personal information, contact details, and other relevant details.
Switch to the "Permissions" tab to configure the staff member's access and capabilities within the application's various features.
Select the appropriate role for the staff member based on their responsibilities and access requirements.
Define specific permissions for each feature and capability according to the staff member's role and responsibilities.
Optionally, set the staff member as an administrator or choose to send them a welcome email.
Save the profile and permissions by clicking the "Save" button.
Figure 1 Add New Staff