Staff Listing

Setup 🡪 Staff 🡪Staff Listing

The "Staff Listing" feature under the "Staff" sub-section of the "Setup" module provides a convenient way to manage and view information about the staff members within your organisation. 

Here's how you can use this feature, along with an explanation of each field in the grid columns:


  1. Set Number of Rows: Users can set the number of rows they want to display per page in the staff listing. Options include 10, 25, 50, 100, or displaying all staff members.

  2. Search Filter: A search functionality is available to filter the staff grid data based on specific criteria. This allows users to quickly find and locate specific staff members.

  3. Export Options: Users can export the displayed staff data in various formats, including Excel, CSV, PDF, or for printing purposes.

  4. Refresh Icon: Users can refresh the grid data by clicking on the refresh icon, ensuring they have the most up-to-date information.

Grid Columns Explanation:

  • Full Name: Displays the full name of the staff member.

  • Email: Shows the email address associated with the staff member.

  • Role: Indicates the role or position of the staff member within the organisation (e.g., Employee, Admin, SuperAdmin).

  • Last Login: Displays the date and time of the staff member's last login activity.

  • Active: Indicates whether the staff member's account is currently active.

  • Phone Number: Shows the contact phone number of the staff member.

  • Is Number WhatsApp Enabled: Indicates whether the staff member's phone number is enabled for WhatsApp.

Actions for Grid:

  • View: Clicking this action allows users to view detailed information about the staff member. This could include their profile, contact details, and role.

  • Update: Allows users to update the existing information of staff members.

  • Delete: Allows users to delete the staff member. 

  • Export: Allows users to export the information of a single staff member. 



Figure 1 Staff Listing

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