Settings🡪 Roles 🡪 Roles Listing
The "Roles Listing" feature under the "Roles" module provides a way to manage and view roles within your system.
Here's how you can use this feature and an explanation of each field in the grid columns:
Number of Rows: Users can set the number of rows they want to display per page in the roles listing. Options typically include 10, 25, 50, 100, or showing all roles.
Search: A search functionality is available to filter the grid data. This allows users to quickly find specific roles based on keywords or criteria.
Export Options: Users can export the displayed data in various formats, including Excel, CSV, PDF, and for printing. This facilitates data sharing and analysis.
Refresh Icon: Users can refresh the grid data by clicking on the refresh icon. This ensures that they have the most up-to-date information.
Grid Columns Explanation:
Role Name: This column displays the name of each role in the system. Roles are typically used to define the permissions and access levels for users.
Options: Under this column, users have access to two main actions:
Edit: Clicking on this option allows users to edit the details of the role, including its name and associated permissions.
Delete: Clicking on this option allows users to delete the role. This action should be taken with caution, as it can affect the permissions and access of users associated with the role.
Total Users: This column provides a counter of the total number of users assigned to each role. It indicates how many users have been granted the permissions and access associated with that role.
Figure 1 Roles Listing