This feature empowers sales representatives to create and oversee new leads for prospective clients. The system collects pertinent details about the lead, including subject, associated opportunities, dates, currency, discount type, tags, and contact information. Lead status is monitorable, and assignments to particular team members can be made for follow-up.
Furthermore, lead details may include contact information for the client.
Fields of the feature form:
Status: Indicates the current stage or status of the lead within the sales process.
Source: Specifies the origin or channel through which the lead was acquired.
Assigned: Identifies the user or team member responsible for managing the lead.
Tags: Keywords or labels assigned to categorise and organise the lead based on common attributes.
Name: Provides the name or title associated with the lead.
Address: Records the physical or mailing address associated with the lead.
Position: Specifies the job title or position of the lead within their organisation.
City: Indicates the city location associated with the lead's address.
Email address: Provides the email contact information for the lead.
State: Specifies the state or province associated with the lead's address.
Website: Records the website URL associated with the lead or their company.
Country: Indicates the country associated with the lead's address.
Phone: Provides the phone contact information for the lead.
Zip Code: Specifies the postal code or ZIP code associated with the lead's address.
Lead Value: Indicates the estimated or potential value of the lead in terms of business opportunities.
Default Language: Specifies the default language preference for communication with the lead.
Company: Records the name of the company associated with the lead.
Description: Provides additional information or details about the lead.
Public: Indicates whether the lead information is intended for public viewing or not.
Contacted today: Records whether the lead has been contacted on the current day or not.
Figure 1 Add New Lead
Save: To save the lead upon checking all mandatory items
Cancel: Nothing will happen, pop-up will cancel.