Lead Form

The Lead List displays essential information for managing lead submissions, including the following columns:

  • ID: Provides a unique identifier for each lead entry, aiding in individual lead tracking and reference.

  • Form Name: Indicates the name or title of the form from which the lead was submitted, aiding in categorization and organisation.

  • Total Submissions: Displays the total number of submissions received for each lead form, offering insight into the form's performance and popularity.

  • Created: Shows the date and time when the lead entry was created or submitted, assisting in chronological sorting and analysis of lead data.



When defining a new lead form, users can customise various aspects across four tabs: General, Branding, Submission, and Notification.


  • Form Name: Specify the title or name for the lead form, providing a clear identifier for internal reference and user interaction.

  • Use Google reCAPTCHA (Yes or No): Choose whether to enable Google reCAPTCHA for enhanced form security, helping to prevent spam submissions.

  • Language: Select the preferred language for the lead form, ensuring compatibility and accessibility for users across different linguistic backgrounds.

  • Lead Title Prefix: Set a prefix to be added to the title of each lead entry, facilitating consistent naming conventions and organisation.

  • Source: Define the source from which leads are generated, assisting in tracking and analysing the effectiveness of various lead generation channels.

  • Status: Determine the initial status assigned to new leads captured through the form, streamlining workflow management and prioritisation.

  • Responsible Assignee: Designate the team member responsible for handling leads generated through this form, ensuring efficient allocation and follow-up.




  • Submit Button Text: Customise the text displayed on the submit button of the lead form, aligning it with brand messaging or call-to-action.

  • Submit Button Background Colour: Define the background colour of the submit button to match the brand's visual identity or design scheme.

  • Submit Button Text Colour: Specify the colour of the text displayed on the submit button for optimal contrast and visibility, ensuring readability and usability.




  • What should happen after a visitor submits this form?

    • Display thank you message (radio button): Show a thank you message to visitors upon form submission if selected; provide option to customise message.

    • Redirect to another website (radio button): Redirect visitors to another website after form submission if selected; provide option to input redirect URL.

  • Message to show after the form is successfully submitted: Customise message displayed after successful form submission

  • Auto mark as public (checkbox): Automatically designate submitted leads as public upon form submission, streamlining visibility without manual intervention.

  • Allow duplicate leads to be inserted into the database? (checkbox): Grant permission for duplicate lead entries to be stored in the database, providing flexibility in data management based on specific needs or preferences.




  • Notify When Lead Imported (Checkbox):

    • Enable notifications to be sent when a lead is imported, facilitating timely awareness of new lead data additions.

  • Specific Staff Members or Staff Members with Roles or Responsible Person (Radio Buttons):

    • Select the method of notification recipient designation: 

      • Choose either specific staff members, staff members with designated roles, or the responsible person assigned to the lead. 

      • Depending on the selection, a corresponding dropdown will appear to select the appropriate staff member, role, or responsible person.


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