Leads - Email Integration

Below are the settings that can be configured on the email integration form for lead management:

  • ACTIVE Checkbox: Enable or disable the email integration feature to control its activation status.

  • IMAP: Specify the IMAP settings for email retrieval, allowing seamless integration with the designated email account.

  • Default Status: Set the default status for new leads captured through email integration, streamlining workflow management.

  • Email Address (Login): Enter the email address associated with the account for authentication and access purposes.

  • Default Source: Define the default lead source for leads generated via email integration, aiding in accurate tracking and attribution.

  • Password: Input the password associated with the provided email address for secure access to the email account.

  • Responsible for New Lead: Assign responsibility for handling new leads acquired through email integration to designated team members or roles.

  • Encryption (SSL, TLS, No encryption): Choose the desired encryption protocol for secure communication during email integration setup.

  • Folder: Specify the folder within the email account where incoming leads will be retrieved from, ensuring targeted data collection.

  • Notification Setting: Configure notification preferences to receive alerts or updates regarding incoming leads via email integration.

  • Check Every (minutes): Set the interval, in minutes, for the system to automatically check for new emails and process them for lead generation and integration.

  • Test IMAP Connection: Verify the connectivity and functionality of the IMAP configuration by conducting a test connection.


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