Configure the following settings on the Leads General Settings page to tailor your lead management system according to your preferences:
Limit leads kanban rows per status:
Control the maximum number of rows displayed per status on the kanban board for efficient lead management.
Default status:
Specify the initial status assigned to new leads for streamlined workflow management.
Default source:
Set the default lead source for better tracking and analysis of lead generation channels.
Perform validation for duplicate leads on the following fields:
Enable validation to prevent the creation of duplicate leads based on specified fields, ensuring data integrity.
Auto assign as admin to customer after convert:
Automatically designate converted leads as admin-assigned customers, facilitating seamless transition and ownership.
Allow non-admin staff members to import leads:
Grant permission for non-administrative staff to import leads, promoting collaboration and efficiency.
Default leads kanban sort:
Define the default sorting order for leads on the kanban board for improved organisation and accessibility.
Do not allow leads to be edited after they are converted to customers (administrators not applied):
Restrict editing access to leads once they are converted into customers, preserving data accuracy and consistency.
Modal Width Class (modal-lg, modal-xl, modal-xxl):
Specify the width class for modal pop-ups to ensure optimal display and user experience based on content requirements.