• Chart of Accounts Listing

    20-05-2024 18:22:20
    Settings → Chart of Account To access the configurations section, you need to navigate to: Accounting → Sett...
  • Add New Chart of Account

    20-05-2024 18:23:39
    Accounting 🡪 Settings → Chart of Account → Add This section guides you through the process of defining a new chart of accounts within the accounting module. Each field is meticulo...
  • Import Chart of Accounts

    20-05-2024 18:24:33
    Accounting 🡪 Settings → Chart of Account → Import Users have the option to streamline the process of adding multiple accounts by importing a list of charts of accounts. This featu...
  • Accounting 🡪 Settings → Configurations  This section provides an overview of the general settings available within the account system, allowing users to configure various parameter...
  • Banking Rules

    20-05-2024 18:26:00
    Accounting 🡪 Settings → Banking Rules  The banking rules configuration in the accounting module system allows users to manage rules that automate banking transactions. ...
  • General Mapping Setup

    20-05-2024 18:26:57
    Accounting 🡪 Settings → Mapping Setup → General The mapping setup in the accounting module system allows users to configure how different types of transactions are automatically c...
  • Payslips Mapping Setup

    20-05-2024 18:27:47
    Accounting 🡪 Settings → Mapping Setup → Payslips The payslips mapping setup in the accounting module system allows users to configure how different components of payslips, such as...
  • Accounting Details Types

    20-05-2024 18:28:26
    Accounting 🡪 Settings → Account Detail Types The accounting module system allows users to define and configure account details for accurate financial management. This includes setting t...
  • Accounting 🡪 Settings → Income Statement Modification The accounting module system allows users to define and configure account details for accurate financial management. This includes...
  • Budget

    20-05-2024 18:29:43
    Accounting 🡪 Budget  The budget feature in the accounting module system allows users to define and manage their annual budget for the profit and loss account. This feature provides a gri...
  • Define New Budget

    20-05-2024 18:30:27
    Accounting 🡪 Budget → Define New Budget The budget creation feature in the accounting module system allows users to set up budgets to track income, expenses, and balances in profit an...
  • Import Budget

    20-05-2024 18:31:06
    Accounting 🡪 Budget → Importing Budget The budget import feature in the accounting module system allows users to import budget data for a month, quarter, or year. This fe...
  • Transfers

    20-05-2024 18:31:49
    Accounting 🡪 Transfer The transfer functionality in the accounting module system allows users to move funds from one account to another. This feature ensures accurate tracking...
  • Journal Entries

    20-05-2024 18:32:46
    Accounting 🡪 Journal  The journal entry creation feature in the accounting module system allows users to record financial transactions manually. Users can specify details...
  • Transactions

    20-05-2024 18:33:24
    Accounting 🡪 Transaction The Transaction Module in the accounting system provides users with a centralised location to access and manage various financial transactions, includi...
  • Bank Accounts

    20-05-2024 18:34:03
    Accounting 🡪 Banking → Bank Accounts The Banking Module in the accounting system allows users to add and manage bank accounts. Users can view, edit, remove, and perform b...
  • Banking Register

    20-05-2024 18:34:40
    Accounting 🡪 Banking → Banking Register The Banking Register in the accounting system allows users to view all cash transactions recorded in the Revenue & Expenses module based on...