Configurations 🡪 Leave Balances This section plays a pivotal role in effectively managing staff members' leave balances over the course of a year. Administrators have the capability to alloca...
Configurations→ Holidays Listing The holiday listing is an essential tool for establishing public holidays for the entirety of a leave year. It aids HR personnel and managers in finalizin...
Configurations→ New Holiday(s) The "New holiday" form enables human resources personnel or authorized employees to input new holidays into the system for employees. ...
Configurations 🡪 Approval Process Listing Approval processes are commonly used in business workflows to ensure that certain tasks, decisions, or actions are reviewed and approved by designate...
Configurations🡪 New Approval Process Approval processes are fundamental components of the leave module workflow, ensuring that leave requests undergo proper review and authorization before be...
Configurations 🡪 Timesheet Configurations The timesheet configuration feature empowers administrators to toggle the manual check-in/check-out option, enable task-based attendance logging, and...
Configurations 🡪 Settings The attendance settings module offers configurable parameters to tailor the organisation's workday structure. Here are the availa...
Configurations → Type of Leave listing The "Type of Leave" listing section displays all predefined leave types, such as vacation, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave, unpaid leave, and...
Configurations 🡪 Add New Type of Leave The New "Type of Leave" form allows adding a new category or type of leave, if needed. This section is an integral part of the leave management pr...
Configurations 🡪 Permission Listing The permission section in the attendance module outlines how specific permissions can be assigned to different roles. H...
Configurations🡪 Set New Permission The permission section outlines how specific permissions are managed within a system. It consists of several key fields that help define and control user ac...
Configurations🡪 Reset The reset button in the timesheet settings module serves the purpose of reverting any changes or modifications made to the timesheet configuration back to its orig...
The "Work Routes" module offers a comprehensive solution for effectively managing staff attendance based on their designated work routes. This feature allows administrators to gain insights into employee attendance patterns for a s...
Work Shift table The "Work Shift Table" module provides a convenient way to manage employees' work shifts. This feature allows you to filter and view shift data based on specific...
The "New Shift" feature provides an efficient way to manage employee attendance by allowing administrators to create and customise shifts for different departments, roles, and staff members. This feature enables the scheduling of s...
The "shift listing" feature provides a comprehensive overview of employee shifts within an organisation, allowing administrators and managers to efficiently manage attendance and work schedules. The grid columns in the "shift listi...
The "New Shift Category" feature offers a more detailed and customizable way to manage shift categories. This feature allows you to create different shift categories with specific timings, breaks, and descriptions. ...
The "Shift Category Listing" module is a feature designed to manage and display different shift categories for the attendance module in a system. It provides an organised way to define and keep track of various shift categories tha...
The "New workplace" module with the attendance feature is designed to streamline the process of assigning and creating new workplaces in the system. Here's how to use the module:...
The "New workplace assign" module with the attendance feature is designed to streamline the process of assigning staff to specific workplaces. This feature helps administrators manage staff attendance efficiently. ...
The "Workplace Allocation" feature facilitates the management of staff attendance by allowing administrators to allocate employees to specific workplaces within the organisation. This feature proves to be extremely useful for busin...
The "Shift Allocation" module with the attendance feature is designed to streamline the process of assigning staff to specific shifts. This feature helps administrators manage staff attendance efficiently. ...
The provided attendance module, offers a comprehensive system for tracking staff attendance, marking manual attendance and various types of attendance-related information. Here's how you might us...
This module streamlines the process of requesting and approving leaves, ensuring transparency and accuracy in attendance tracking. Here's how the various fields of the module are used:...
This module is used for managing employee leave requests and approvals. Here's how you can use the filters and the leaves grid effectively: Search: Global search to filter any result from...
The "Leave Calendar View" is a powerful tool designed to help manage employee attendance and leave requests efficiently. Here's how to use the various features and filters of this view:...
The reports module for the attendance feature offers a comprehensive set of tools to analyse and track various aspects of employee attendance, leave, and check-in/out history. Here are some potential use cases for each of the provi...